Pierre Bourbonnais

Pierre Bourbonnais


Pierre Bourbonnais
by Pierre Bourbonnais

Why I think Physical and Emotional Health  Matter so Much !

February 2022

I think we all agree in thinking that health is important and, I think we all hate it when we are sick, even if it’s just a cold.

And as the popular say goes, “Health is wealth”

For many amongst us, it gets more difficult as we get older to adopt or maintain a healthy lifestyle. The food that we eat, the amount of alcohol that we consume, the lack of exercise or physical activities are all contributing factors to a not-so-healthy life.

These bad health habits are directly impacting our health, physical and emotional.

Add to this mixture the level of stress that work, or your relationship, or your children, or your finances, or all of the above and you have a perfect recipe for a little health disaster.

I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know, right ?

And when your physical and/or emotional health goes wrong, it will affect ALL the other areas of your life.

Your general well-being will suffer. Your career, and at the same time your finances, your relationship and your family harmony, your will to learn and evolve and your overall life expectancy will all be significantly impacted because you will not be operating at your optimum self. 

And I’m just talking here about the “side-effects” of bad health. If we go into more serious health issues, such as cardiovascular problems, mental disorders, stress and cancers, to name just a few, the impact on your lifestyle will be major.

I’m not telling you anything that you don’t already know here, right ?

So why is it that knowing all these factors, we continue to close our eyes to the need to change our bad habits ? I mean, who consciously wants to end up in a wheelchair, on medications or worse, in a hospital bed for the rest of their lives?

After being confined for a few years, who is not dreaming of travel, walks in the forest, playing with your kids or grandkids, activities of all kinds, right?  What if this confinement situation was your normal state of life because your health is keeping you from doing all these things that make you feel alive?

I started by eliminating the one thing that created the most stress in my life, my crazy job

For most of my adult life, I was ignoring all the signs, paid absolutely no attention to what and how much I ate and I drank. I refused to consider working out my body and drowned the side effects of work and life related stress by escaping into alcohol and drug abuse.

Weighing a whopping 285 pounds/130kg, It was challenging for me to climb 3 sets of stairs without having my heart pounding through my chest, out of breath and sweating profusely.  And you know what, I had kind of accepted that condition as my own. I was getting old and I had no intention of changing any of my bad habits so here I was, accepting the consequences!  Do you recognize yourself in some of what I saying here ?

Once I reached to point of obesity, what had to happen, happened. Extreme high blood pressure and depression were my wake-up calls. My doctor looked at me with a look of disbelief after reading the results of my cardiovascular test. He even took a second reading on the other arm, hoping for a fluke malfunction of his device.   No, it still read 180 over 100. Extreme High Blood Pressure.

I was put on bed rest and medications. Unable to go to work and to enjoy my life. I guess I had to learn the hard way. But it could have been fatal for me. 

I consider myself lucky in a way. I had a partner that supported me and was willing to follow our idea to change our way of life. So together, we re-invented ourselves.

I started by eliminating the one thing that created the most stress in my life, my crazy job. It’s not that I was financially ready to retire, but I knew I needed to take a radical new approach to what work meant to me.

Then, with the help of a coach, I started working out. I got myself on an intermittent fasting program and re-adjusting my way of eating. A few weeks later, I was already getting results and 9 months later, I had lost 75 pounds / 34kg and felt better than I had in the last 30 years.

So if you are that woman or man that has not been paying attention to your health ...

And if you think that it’s too late for you to do something like this, know that I started at 57 years of age and, I had no clue about healthy nutrition and exercise. And I became addicted to health knowledge. Reading, listening to podcasts, attending webinars, anything that I could set my hands on to further understand the impact of good and bad lifestyle habits.

I see too many adults walking around and acting like nothing was wrong or, as they had given up. And the recent crisis with the Corona Virus has shown us that having co-morbidity health conditions leads to higher risks of complications from diseases and, a much higher risk of death. 

So if you are that woman or man that has not been paying attention to your health or, if you have slipped from your good habits in the last few years, here’s what I would recommend you do.

  1. Make an inventory of your current situation. Where you’re at, Your bad nutritional habits, your environment, etc.
  2. Research. The internet is a wealth of information on nutrition, workout routines, etc. Better yet, a coach can help you get this done in no time.
  3. Prepare a plan of action (how many times per week are you willing to exercise, what food should you eliminate or replace, what good habits should you adopt?) 
  4. Fix yourself to an achievable goal. Start small! Even if it’s not the final state you are aiming at. Achieving smaller goals will give you the will to continue further. And even if you slip and go backwards, it’s ok. We all do it. Pick yourself up and continue.
  5. Celebrate your successes. Every time you achieve your goal, It’s a cause for celebration.

Do you REALLY want to bring changes to your lifestyle ?

But before you start this process, the most important part is to want, accept and surrender. This is your ultimate weapon. 

Do you REALLY want, I mean REALLY want to bring changes to your lifestyle ?

ACCEPT that the process you will follow is proven to bring positive results. Also ACCEPT that not changing your habits will bring you straight to health problems.

SURRENDER to what will come next. It’s crazy how the power of believing in something, an outcome, a desire, a goal and focusing your mind and thoughts on it can do. 

In my article “THE MAGIC OF HEALTHY HABITS”, you will get acquainted with some easy steps to take on a daily basis that will create MAJOR impacts on your wellbeing. Click the link to read all about it.

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Drive Your Change by Pierre Bourbonnais

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Pierre Bourbonnais
Pierre Bourbonnais

Book a 30 minutes discovery call to know all about this amazing program


A coaching Program specifically designed to guide you through your major Lifestyle Transitions, such as:

Career transition

Retirement Transition Readiness

Optimized Mindfulness Living  

Expat Retirement Lifestyle 

Self Confidence Kickstarter

Program Highlights

One on One weekly video-calls

Reflection Forms

Mindset preparation

Get Clear on what you want

Rediscover Yourself

Lifestyle Transition Strategy

Take Action

Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Health